Developing smart rail infrastructure

We examine the challenges facing infrastructure managers and the opportunities for technological innovations to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency of railway construction and maintenance.

Key topics to be addressed will include:

  • What are the key drivers affecting infrastructure managers and metro operators today, and how might these change in the years ahead?
  • What are the key measures needed to achieve the vision of ‚Äòfit and forget‚Äô railway infrastructure with near 24/7 availability?
  • What are the prospects for widespread adoption of emerging technology such as ballastless track, composite sleepers and modular construction? Will legacy assets become ‚Äòdigitalised‚Äô through the use of remote condition monitoring?
  • How far should planners and designers prepare for more diverse challenges when developing rail infrastructure in the coming years, such as noise mitigation and embedded carbon values?
  • Is it realistic to hope for cheaper, quicker enhancements to the rail networks of the future?